What Should You Consider While Using a Love Gel for Massage?

 Gel is a type of massage oil that takes the place of your regular lotion. It is used for sensual massage, where it is absorbed into the skin rather than getting on your clothes or skin. When you are looking for a러브젤 (love gel) for sensual massage, you need to consider a few things.

Material of gel

First of all, the material of the gel itself is important. Gel can be made from natural or synthetic materials, and they come in different consistency levels. For example, some gels are designed to be more fluid than others, so they will not feel as heavy on your skin. Also, some gels are designed to be thicker than others, which will mean that they will feel more like a lotion but will not absorb into the skin as quickly.

Thickness of gel

Another thing to consider is how thick it is. Gel typically comes in between 25% and 80% solids, with 30% being average. The thicker the마사지젤 (massage gel) is, the more time you will have to spend massaging it into your client's skin before it fully sets up—and this could lead to irritation or rashes if applied too thickly or during an extended massage session.

Scent of gel

Another thing you want to consider when choosing a gel is its scent. Some people like scented gels because they feel like something extra has been added to their massage session—it makes the experience more personal and intimate. Others find scented gels smell too strong or too sweet; if you are one of those people, maybe you should then look for unscented options instead!

Moisturizing ability

You should also consider how much water your particular skin type needs before using any kind of body product. Some people have very dry skin that requires extra moisturizing before using anything on it—others do not necessarily need as much moisture because their skin type is naturally oily anyway!

If you are using a gel for sensual massage, try using different gels from different brands so you can see what works best for you or your clients in the massage room! To get more info please visit https://happybam.com/category/gel/216/


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