What should you know about tree trimming?

 By knowing the basics about tree trimming, you may be able to handle some of the tree work yourself. There are a variety of effective tree trimming tips that can help keep your trees in excellent shape, though a suggestion here would be to let a prestigious and experienced arborist Austin TX do the job for you!

As there are many tree trimming methods out there, if you want to do it yourself then you need to be concerned about only the basics. But before that, find out why the trees need to be trimmed.

Trees are generally trimmed for one of these 3 reasons:

  • Broken or dead limbs and branches can fall off any time, thus posing a serious life threat, so it’s better to cut them away. Trim the branches of a tree as while driving they may obstruct your vision.
  • Trimming a tree effectively helps to maintain its appearance and shape. The tree trimming Austin TX helps you to get the most eye-pleasing aesthetics for your trees!
  • If branches are rubbing or crossing together, they should be removed or trimmed so that they don’t fall unexpectedly. Thinning the crown of a tree improves airflow which can be beneficial for your health.

The basic tree trimming tips

  • Be careful about the size of the branch that you are going to remove. If you find it to be less than 5 centimeters in diameter then removing it is fine. You might not want to do it if it is between 5 centimeters and 10 centimeters in diameter. If the size is like more than 10 centimeters then you should better have a strong reason to do it. The tree removal Austin TX service provided by a well-known company is smooth and safe as an ISO-certified team takes care of it!
  • Never trim a branch that is too long or too close. You shouldn’t remove the branch collar or leave a large stub.
  • Just trim those branches that have V-shaped, weak and narrow angles. Retain the branches that have U-shaped, strong angles.
  • It’s always best to trim a tree during the dormant season. The only exception here is when a hazard exists.


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